
Sunday, June 29, 2008

'Think' and Grow Thin, and Toned, I like it.

Well..... I did walk this morning, (around the block). 
That is probably why I ended up buying this magazine in the first place, for encouragement. 

It has a journal in the back to keep track of your program with..
The mag is by prevention, cost ..Yikes 9.99?

And here are a few pictures, so if any one wants to join me in the quest of getting into better shape, if it is possible after my neglect, please, run out and buy this book, and we'll at least 'think' about losing weight and toning up together.
For sexy Shoulders, ( remember sexy shoulders)?
CLick here
sexy shoulders in two moves

Here are the photos to motivate you!

Hmm, I wonder, will I 'think' the aged look to go away?
Yes, I 'think', I will!
I posted a picture of me at top about 7 years ago here, to have something for me to 'think' about achieving!

Join me?

So, guess what I remember of the book?

You can eat dessert, smores, are king!

You can drink chocolate milk, low fat of course, and should.
Best Of All...

You can 'just think' about it, and build muscle, and loose weight!
As I said, I really like that part..

15 minutes of 'thinking' will strengthen your little finger by 35% 
(I believe it was..numbers aren't important)!
Unless they're pounds on a scale or inches around a waistline!

I'm exhausted already just 'thinking' about it!
It must be bedtime!

more info on the magazine below after photo's...

Fight fat by just 'thinking about it'!
'An Orange a day', now I never heard that before!
A banana a day, yes!
Eat an egg a day for brain health.

How does one eat only a few slices of avacado a day? Throw the rest away?
Here is the cover..

Yoga of course, and meditate only 3 to 5 minutes at a time to reduce stress..
My lazy women's workout on the floor!
(only don't call it that)
The best salad
The best foods
The best dessert

Walk off Weight
Attack Belly Bulge
Power Foods for Women!

All in all a great magazine packed with info and recipes, etc for 10 bucks!
Prevention Magazine.

So, yeah, I went to the store today, it only cost me a quarter tank of gas and  $110.00 to get carrots, celery, strawberries, bananas, olives, mozzarella, tomatoes, cilantro, chocolate soy milk, salad dressing, and they were fresh out of basil.
 Another quarter tank of gas should remedy that.

Ok, and I got hair spray, and some touch up by Loreal, allergy meds, and eye drops, those kinds of things...
 I got this great book to motivate me.

So far it has worked!
I have taken photographs of the book, and read it, now blogging it!
And the part I like best is that you can loose weight and tone up, just by thinking about it!
How easy is that?
I have always suspected that was the case, since you can gain weight by thinking about eating cake, and by thinking about being lazy!

It was worth the price of the book for that bit of info alone..
I have always said that you have to think skinny to lose weight.

Maybe I'll write the hitherto famous book entitled
"Think and Grow Thin."

Meanwhile I learned that of course, everything I thought I needed to eat was the right food, and all my lazy woman exercises lying on the floor raising my legs are now touted by experts as being the way to go..wouldn't you know it?
I always called it the lazy women's work out, but actually, that title would be self defeating..but actually being lazy wouldn't be!
Merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream! See, it's true, what Avasa told me years ago, Reality is for those who lack imagination! That's exactly what my bumper sticker says that he gave me 4 years ago. 

Eat: melon, bananas, avacado, walnuts, an orange a day, whole wheat toast or bagel, peanut butter, yogurt, cottage cheese, salmon, grains,  dried cranberries, some chicken or Turkey thigh, stuff I usually eat, (but don't eat regularly enough)
Go to sleep at the same time each night, 
don't use a computer at least for an hour before bedtime, 
(the light makes your brain think it's time to get up) A TV is a little more relaxing for sleep, it says.
get up same time each day.
(isn't this all pretty common sense)? 
But why don't we use what we know?
Ok, I'll speak for myself! ~grin~
You know this right?

Eat foods of color, blackberries, kidney beans, blueberries, etc.

And don't forget:
think thin
think toned
think healthy
think what you want to become, and make it all good!