
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Skagit Valley Daffodils Blooming


Daffodil fields in the Valley this year are planted on nearly 500 acres. Most blooms are in bloom as of this blogpost. Daffs are rotated every 3 years. Tulips on the other hand (which will bloom in April later in the month most likely) are rotated every year. For this reason the daffs will fully bloom out in the fields but tulips are taken up before the bloom dies out. It’s nice to catch the blooms in sunlight which shines through the flowers. Sometimes afternoon is best. Sun shines up in the valley more than down here a bit south.

  The mountain, Baker, a stratovolcano is not always in view. It often hides in clouds. Sometimes it’s possible to see swans flying above the fields in front of the Cascade Mountain range. They do winter here and fertilize these fields.