
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Snow Celebration

Now, there’s exquisite beauty to view, gaining your attention at every turn. The majesty of the ordinary tree or shrub calls for your attention. 
The flakes larger than quarters float fast to the ground while the tiny ones  slow poke and follow in time as they meander with currents to the blanket prepared for them piling up layer after layers with their kind joining the invasion as they land in just the right spot to delight your eyes. 

The cold is almost imperceptible at first. The sense of sight taking your attention. And your breathe. 
The quiet calls for your cooperation. But wild little boys don’t even notice as they ya hoo into the powdery cold stuff like warriors slaying imaginary enemies. 

Sensitive folk stand like statues frozen in time as if a single movement will break the spell of perfection before them. The snow swirls around and round and we all are caught in this snowy dome of delight and whimsy, the duration, a blink of time. 
Jerez Sherry 
Jan 2020