
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Let it Snow...

My cousin visited recently from France. I forgot to take photos. It's been soo long since I had contact with any family of origin, I just plain forgot to think of anything but being there with him. He lives in the South of France, where he and his wife who died a few years ago lived for many years after leaving Morocco. They were and he is a missionary. A very kind man, warm, and caring.
I have three cousins, he and his brother and sister remaining to my family of origin. It had been 49 years since I last saw him.

Darla, his wife, invited me to France before she became ill. I didn't go. But felt I knew her. When my cousin came, I bought these white tulips, and I know she whispered to me to include her that day in this way. He was very touched as well.

So here are the tulips, white were all they had at he store, white for immortality..
........ and the snow falling on red maple..