
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

A forest walk...

A forest by my home. 

Small but beautiful with large gracious trees. The forest and trees are life safe. We need to keep them healthy and growing. Respect the lands, waterways, which are not ours. They’re the home of the sea creatures. We simply share with them and other creatures. So many yet don’t understand that the earth is home to all life and all life needs to be considered and nurtured. 




So.. be with nature and ones own self until capable of considering someone except oneself first. 

And bring nature home as well, take care of living things first. 
And be honest. Tell the truth of your actions. Above all do not lie because quickly your little lies become your truth, then your world will be a nuisance and you’ll have hurt others. 
Hurting others, hurts oneself. 


Unfortunately not all persons are nurtured either. Ownership isn’t ours to demand.It is our privilege to nurture and maintain. Our children are not our property. They’re entrusted to us the same way the earth is. Men do not own women. Women aren’t here to be sex objects of men or to Be ruled by men. Others do not own the privilege of judging any of us. If one cannot judge ones own character?Who, really can be that, subjective? We should know better than to judge and be rude to another. Or interfere into another’s life? This is supreme ignorance, to push oneself on another (usually because they cannot tolerate being alone).  Desperate people do desperate things then make excuses for their ignorance. That’s pretty much universal. Seeing it however, reveals high levels of conscious

So.. be with nature and ones own self until capable of considering someone except oneself first. 

And bring nature home as well, take care of living things first. And be honest. Tell the truth of your actions. Above all do not lie because quickly your little lies become your truth, then your world will be a nuisance and you’ll have hurt others. Hurting others, hurts oneself.