
Friday, July 11, 2008

Guruji Seattle Sangha Cruise 7/10/08..videos


Destination, Seattle
30 minutes if no traffic..that would be a rare day! Today it took me over 1.5 hours to arrive at the pier. I was afraid I would miss the boat, yet I thought I left in plenty of time.
After all, it was afternoon going South? But peeps were pouring into Seattle at 4 o'clock pm.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Art of Living Foundation Founder tonight in Seattle with Seattle Sangha on a cruise celebrating his appearance in Seattle tomorrow night to the public. Guruji has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his Work worldwide with the Art of Living Foundation. AOL is The largest not for profit organization (non denominational) in the world, and is at the scene in every country when help is needed in the event of a disaster. Also AOL is spreading worldwide as a non denominational support for people to learn how to live better lives. Aol has programs in prisons to help those people who have not been taught a skill to deal with their feelings, and so forth by using a meditation technique called Sudarshan Kriya Yoga...more information can be found at my blog entitled Ashtravaka Gita''.

Guruji is the sweetest man in the whole world. He is a love and a very knowledgeable person, illuminated. He is from the non dual tradition in India known as Advaita vedanta, begun near kerala India maybe as long as 4000 years ago.
I would say that most of our traditions have come from Vedanta in one form or another, even though it may have become watered down through the ages.

Just my point of view.
Tomorrow night we'll do meditation again and have question and answers ( Satsang), something it is easy to see Jesus also participated in during his time to teach, and take what we surrendered to himself.

If interested in AOL, I have posted the link above and it has schedules for classes, and a book store, and Guruji's books are incredible. Celebrating Silence is one of the few books anyone needs on the subject of how to live. And the video's of his Satsang of the Ashtravaka Gita is phenomenal, and well worth the watching, even at the price...

Ok, and not to mention some of the greatest friends I have ever made so quickly, these people are warm and just extraordinary human beings, I have a real bond with so many of these people, I see only at events, but think they do live in my heart for sure.