
Monday, June 16, 2008

Yesterday's Destination and home again... We have Sun!

Red Barn at LaConner

Mt Baker
(white snow capped volcano)

Lupins and poppy, with iris from my garden

This is my instant hanging basket.
It dies in winter; every spring, just add water..viola...instant hanging basket abloom!
 The fern, one of Washington State's large ferns gets larger every year.
I think it might win the competition with the ground cover!
  The moss is from the wilderness where I hike.

Monday's peony harvest, 2 varieties and snowball bush. 
This vase is an ancient vase from  Crete or someplace like that. 
It has no spout, and the handle is crude.
 I love the way it's marked like a melon. 
Perfect for the shape!

Another peony shot, home sweet home
(always nice to get a glimpse inside another's home, isn'it?)

The cow photo was taken in New Mexico at Lake Conscous one summer. 
She was lost and 'hiding' behind the salt cedar in the water.
I was staying on a house boat with my cousin and his family: wife,  three great kids. 
There were many house boats on this lake, large sprawling ones, each had a fishing hole in the floor to fish through. I had received a tour from a woman there and told the exotic history of the  hey days of the boat houses (parties, and families, neighbors, whoopla). I was going to write a story. 
I was entranced by the vision of it, and armed with photos, but they vanished from iphoto with all my photos one day.
Anyway, I am trying to see if I have a cd back up any where or blog references to share with Margy up on her house boat in the sunshine coast. 
( Powell River Books Blog)
Digging digging digging..
soooo many ways to garden!

This is a glimpse of Mt. Baker, one of our local Volcanoes.
I have hiked this mountain many times,  with many friends over the years. 
Actually had a blind hike once to go here, and that was an eventful story for sure..
Use your wildest imagination!
 I've backpacked into Chain Lakes,  (and other destinations) and camped, 
hopping from lake to lake like a dragonfly. 
I hope to revisit  again soon.
Ahh to climb out of a tent early in a morn, and reach for the espresso pot...

 Mt Shuksan is right up there by Mt Baker, (seen in the sidebar of my blog), which will take you to another blog with more photos if you like seeing what  
NW Washington looks like.
( got to get these weak knees in shape)
click photos to enlarge...