
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Always looking for something colorful to Post…

     Above is a Samarkand small bolinpush suzani, hand embroidered.                                                                               Below is a Mongolian yurt wall cover. Siberia.
              The reindeer people. 

Suzani. Samarkand  below. All hand embroidered. 

Some I chose from an album that are bright and colorful from all seasons to brighten cloudy much needed rainy days. 
I love rain anyway. 
As a very young child I didn’t see why I had to stop playing outdoors when showers broke out in spring time. 
I don’t recall why I was sent to my room but I think I wasn’t very quiet about having to come inside. 
To my room I’d go and stand on my little bed, opening the latched window and that way I can as very close to the rain anyway, and after the robins hopped out, I did too. Back out to be with my precious outdoors. My great friend and companion doing I don’t even know what. Exploring like all true adventures I guess!