
Friday, September 26, 2008

Escargot Begonia it is!

I asked and JM told me it was Escargot,, 
good name for this begonia.. 
Thanks for everyone's interest..

Begonia rex ‘Escargot’ is attractive and hardy. It might just be the perfect house plant, as it resists diseases and insects. It handles all but the worst neglect. Best of all, crop production is fast!

Begonia rex ‘Escargot’ gets its name from the unique way that the leaf curls in on itself, creating a spiral effect that resembles the shell of a snail. Someone in marketing was thinking when they devised the more sophisticated name of ‘Escargot’ over the less catchy "snail begonia". The name sells the plant.

The deeply spiraled leaves of Begonia rex 'Escargot', marked in bands of silver and green, are the hallmark of this hybrid that drew quite an audience when it was launched in the United Kingdom and U.S. 

Cultural Information
Soil: Light, well drained, e.g. peat and perlite, pH 6.2-6.8
Light: 1800-2500 ft candles. Petioles stretch at low light levels.
Nutrition: 180 ppm N, balanced feed.
Moisture: Allow to dry between irrigations.
Temperature: 60F Nights. Fuel Saver: Can grow with 50-55F nights.