
Friday, August 1, 2008

A two faced horse...

I see this horse in a pasture in Snohomish, I call him Blue because he looks blueblack.
He has a face on his side, can you see it?

An Aside

"Set aside the fraught question of when human life begins. The new debate: When does pregnancy begin?

The Bush Administration has ignited a furor with a proposed definition of pregnancy that has the effect of classifying some of the most widely used methods of contraception as abortion.

A draft regulation, still being revised and debated, treats most birth-control pills and intrauterine devices as abortion because they can work by preventing fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus. The regulation considers that destroying "the life of a human being."

Many medical groups disagree. They hold that pregnancy isn't established until several days after conception, when the fertilized egg has grown to a cluster of several dozen cells and burrowed into the uterine wall. Anything that disrupts that process, in their view, is contraception.

The draft regulation, circulating within the Department of Health and Human Services, would have no immediate effect on the legality of the pill or the IUD if implemented because abortion is legal. But opponents fear it would undercut dozens of state laws designed to promote easy access to these methods of birth control, used by more than 12 million women a year...

In Colorado, voters this fall will weigh a state constitutional amendment that would confer full personhood on fertilized eggs, as well as embryos and fetuses. ....

Dozens of Congressional Democrats -- including presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama -- have signed letters of protest blistering the proposal. His Republican rival, Sen. John McCain, declined to comment."

Read more here:
weird, the link won't work here, google:

Treating the Pill as Abortion,
Draft Regulation Stirs Debate

Still time to impeach if we all make it the most important goal of the year. We'll only be sorry once, from now on...if we fail in this undertaking.
Some don't realize that if he isn't taken out along with Cheney for their covert activities of over exercising executive privilege, these excesses of presidential power will become law that can't be changed in the future. We will live with this abuse, and any new administrations powers will not be checked by legislative process, but will be used to control in the future by any administration crazy about control. Our government is set up to check these balances of power, Bush has defeated these constitutionally provided mandates.

I have completed my own impeachment petition a year ago here:

Again it isn't showing up, go to: impeachforpeace dot org/impeachNow/html
Download the document, and send it out to the 7 judges stated. Send these documents and judges addresses to all your friends.
"Jefferson's Manual" is an interpretive guide to parliamentary procedure, and is included (along with the Constitution) in the bound volumes of the Rules of the House of Representatives. It is ratified by each congress (including the current one), and has been updated continuously through the history of our democracy. The section covering impeachment lists the acceptable vehicles for bringing impeachment motions to the floor of the House.
Humorous Video About the DIY Impeachment

Our trip to DC!Kucinich Speaking About Impeachment

Before the House Judiciary Committee can put together the Articles of Impeachment, someone must initiate the impeachment procedure. Most often, this occurs when members of the House pass a resolution. Another method outlined in the manual, however, is for individual citizens to submit a memorial for impeachment.
After learning this information, Minnesotan and
Impeach for Peace member (Jodin Morey) found precedent in an 1826 memorial by Luke Edward Lawless which had been successful in initiating the impeachment of Federal Judge James H. Peck. Impeach for Peace then used this as a template for their "Do-It-Yourself Impeachment." Now any citizen can download the DIY Impeachment Memorial and submit it, making it possible for Americans to do what our representatives have been unwilling to do. The idea is for so many people to submit the Memorial that it cannot be ignored.

So far 6,290 signatures to impeach Pelosi who is blocking the impeachment process.

Articles Of Impeachment:

Learn more about impeachment:

Why Impeach?
US House Resolution 1258 Impeaching Bush - synopsis, full text
US House Resolution 799 (was 333) Impeaching Cheney - synopsis, full text, and supporting documents
Bill Moyers discusses impeachment with Bruce Fein who wrote the first article of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, and THE NATION
Naomi Wolf Talks About Her New Book, THE END OF AMERICA
American Bar Association on the Impeachment Process
Bruce Fein, Author of A Clinton Article of Impeachment Argues for Impeaching Cheney Immediately
PBS Frontline about Cheney's lifelong pursuit of a "Unitary Executive" Expanded Presidential Power
House rules 602, 603, 604
Washington State impeachment memorial SJM 8016
More resources on our Resources Page

States which have introduced resolutions to impeach:
New Mexico
Organizations which have passed resolutions in support of impeachment:
Washington State Democratic Party in Legislative Districts 1st, 11th, 17th, 26th, 32nd, 34th, 36th, 37th, 41st, 43rd, 44th, 45th, 48th
King County Democratic Central Committee
San Juan County Democrats Central Committee
Gray's Harbor Democratic Party
Snohomish County Democratic Central Committee
Jefferson County Democratic Central Committee
Clallam County Democratic Central Committee
Washington State Green Party
15 state Democratic parties
Our supporters:
After Downing Street
Eastside FOR
Send a student to DC
World Can't Wait
Backbone Campaign
911 Visibility Project
The Progressive Democrats
The Alliance For Democracy
Veterans For Peace chapter 92
Veterans For Peace chapter 153
Veterans For Peace, Rachel Corrie chapter 109
Activist David Swanson
Activist O'Kelly McCluskey