How would you like to be a tree standing a few thousand years to make the air better for everyone, and have no one care?
What if all these people who don't appreciate trees and just remove them because they have no respect for life other than their own, have to come back in another lifetime and stand there for 2000 years, not going anywhere? Kind of grim, huh?
Maybe that's why trees moan, they are really souls who have committed some terrible unkindness and are now paying their dept to the cosmos by having to live as a tree.
If I were such a tree, I'd welcome storms that would move me around a bit; birds for companions, an occasional bear scratching my bark, a deep drink of water after a drought, and a child especially, because children are usually always appreciative even though adults aren't always, who might come to visit me and climb in my branches and sing songs. Maybe build a simple tree house, but nothing too adult like that would drive nails through my branches.
I'd enjoy a nice rain storm, and I might like the woodpecker that gets those pesky bugs out of my old first layers. A symbiotic relationship might be nice, maybe with a few species, then I wouldn't feel so uncared for. I mean I wouldn't want to be wanted simply for my lumber! Or e-gads for some conquest by men who were out to prove they had the stamina to saw through me. I can see me now, a huge log all by myself on the bed of a loggers truck in a photograph 100 years after my demise, hanging on the wall of some backwoods cafe, lying there dead, branches tossed aside and only a trunk of what I used to be, while men stand by with their saws in hand, grinning ear to ear because they felled me, and were so proud. I am seeing their smiles, now with a few front teeth missing. Well, if I was half the man I was a tree I'd show them a thing or two!!!
© Jerez2008
This one won't enlarge..

As much as I love the Big trees, I also love every tree, they are all unique, and necessary, we need trees, but when I was in Vancouver, (and I wish I had taken a photo), but this tree at Stanley Park had gone down in a storm. This is an old photos of it, as you can see by he dress of the day..also it's in B&W.
"The Hollow Tree in Stanley Park is a tourist favourite. On the West side of Stanley Park Drive, it’s a frequent stopping zone and photo op. During the storms of 2006, the tree was weakened beyond already being hollow at the base, and the Parks Board would now like to spend $200,000 to restore it."
Here's the article..Should the Parks Board spend almost a quarter of a million dollars to support and create a bionic Hollow Tree? Or should nature simply take its course, and we’ll lose a familiar natural landmark? They are taking a poll. I say, let the tree die with dignity. Use the money to protect other trees.
Photo of the Big tree taken in 1907
Big Tree in 1907
Another point of view, shows we people are not just practical, but have hearts..that die hard.
Regular trees
"This is a special tree, it may be dead, it's in a certain stage but it's a very important tree," said Kelman. "When you have a tree that is this important, it's a monument."
The last days of the tree as it is make Rocky Garandza a little sad and nostalgic.
The window contractor from Victoria, in town for the day, stopped for one last look at the Hollow Tree.
"Last time I was here was 15 years ago," said Garandza yesterday, as he took pictures. "I always just thought it would be here forever."
Video here about tree.. video
Regular trees and Big trees..
must click to enlarge to get the real effect of these giant trees.

My recent photos of big trees in Stanley Park Vancouver, BC