
Friday, July 11, 2008

Destination Snohomish, 20 minutes

Snohomish and I have history. 
For now it is a place where I was once very in love and happy, and lived a life in a large shared home on a farm with Daisy and 3 others. 
5 in all.
 I had always been interested in communal living, maybe because I was raised in an extended family myself.
 Anyway, I was hot to try this new lifestyle which was unusual then in most parts of the country, but common here abouts.
 In all we lived in 5 shared housing situations.
I can go into that more later, but for now;
 This is where I go to get my massages for my bad neck and headaches. 
Also my Doctors office is here, but she just moved..see...change always happens..
 Also some memories. 
Memories can make you sad as well as happy.
 Funny how memories are, make you miss good times, sometimes painfully so, as children grow up and become completely different people from the little ones you were so closely entwined with, who change as they become independent.
Old loves, and friends, family, is always in flux, even when it seems it never changes.

Cool interactive map, check this out for historic homes in the area

Impersonal History of Snohomish