
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Creature Comforts

Fog looking uphill from my back yard. 
This is why I call myself a nimbostratusdweller.

A typical early morning day where I live,
seen from my front yard.
Puget Sound is in view when the fog isn't!
Ahh, life in Nimbostratusland ( I coined the words btw)
My Japanese maple...

A large bed has many uses. 
I sleep with a variety of items nightly;
books, glasses, 2 phones, a TV tuner I rarely use,
my macbook, a meditation device called a stress eraser,
my ipod, sometimes my in ear headset...always my dearly beloved

hot water bottle...

This is the sign on the door of my Reiki room
( under construction at this time)
Ok, more creature comforts I go to bed with;
 Godiva chocolates, strawberries, and water...

The small connector on the ipod is what pics up a radio signal 
and allows me to play it from my local radio..It can be charging as seen here or not, if not it is unplugged, and can be moved around.
I use it in my car as well.

Uh oh, I guess another creature liked my creature comforts, 
as soon as I had it all laid out,
 The Puddha took his prominent place,
 leaving me no where at all to enjoy my delicious bed..

Do you see any room for me?

The Puddha rules...

I guess I'll just trick him out of bed with snacks now.......maybe?