
Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Exotic World of Moroccan Tiles

Ever noticed how planning a trip, or going to an art gallery, reading a magazine is so pleasant, and inspiring, even fulfilling?
Taking a trip alone? Being alone? Ahh..I enjoy it.
Planning a trip may be better than taking some trips I've been on!
The internet gets me around this planet good and fast.

Sure seeing the real thing is 3 D and more full of life, and all that, but at my fingertips, I can get all the news on art and life that my little soul yearns for at thedrop of a hat.
Did you know the technology existed for the internet wayyy back when Tesla was alive?

Down in the depths of my blog ( scroll scroll) all the good stuff is down there..I think it is underneath that collage of photos of where I live)is a long video worth watching about Tesla, and how Edison was actually threatened by his genius. What a great awake man Tesla was, how his lab was mysteriously burned to the ground and he built it back up. He had one of those famous memories , and could recall anything at all, exactly as it was.
Now where but the internet would I find this info on Tesla so entertainingly portrayed. He was so far ahead of his time, it isn't even funny. In fact, so far ahead, it scared people!

So we could have had internet a long time ago actually! I try to imagine grandma on the but you know , she was a real progressive woman. She had a Model T, first rattle outta the box.
When I was 5, we had 3 vehicles at our home, and when I was 3, we traveled to Mexico for the first time, out of the country, and one of my earliest memories is in that place. I am certain that was what gave me my interest in primitive cultures, places and things, different foods, folklore and ways of life.

My goodness...I miss my Grandma,and I'd give just about anything to sit down with her and show her my macbook, that ties me to my friends and the world, in a NY minute, (anywhere, anytime) or would that be a Tokyo Minute? I don't think she'd be amazed at all, I think she'd take to it like a duck outta water..

It's a beautiful day here, but my eyes are so irritated by something outside. I spent most of yesterday in my studio. (After painting it, floor, walls etc, well, drawers are stuck shut, GREAT!) I am transferring chemicals ( used for glazes) into nice plastic airtight containers. ( It's so moist here) And it is a small studio, with an outside sink, a small sink at that) and I wanted less of a busy look. Chemicals I use for glazes, like Gerstley Borate; Silica, Om 4 Ball clay, spudemene, Bi carbonates, oxides, barium, lithium, frits and fluxes, bonders,( the list is as long as my arm) are sold in double brown paper bags, and it is busy looking, and they are exposed to moisture. So I needed containers that would hold 100 lbs down to 1 lb of these chemicals.
I think by the time I figure out how to do this, inexpensively, I may just do all my work in a sawdust fire and forget the chemicals and glazes almost entirely.. I'll be so tired of the challenges of getting it all orderly, and air tight and easy to access.

Meanwhile I can treat myself to my bookmarks of lovely tiles, and keep my creative juices running...
Ahh, the internet is such a great highway! Who says we don't travel in time? I think I do!

Ok enough rambling on.. I hope if you visit you like my tent shot, my view is beautiful, and the rest that particular place is A- mazing.

This site has a variety of mosaic tiles; 
hand-painted, chiseled, borders, loose tile, screens, stone, cement, sidewalks etc. Unfortunately I can't pull a photo from it to show here.
Upon looking further I managed to capture these from some magazines they advertized in, or were hosted in..
But  do take a look at the site, Moroccan Tiles....

This site, Arabesque has a music on /off button bottom left. It is a bit tricky looking around the site I think, but if explored is pretty amazing, The music helps propel you through it, click on it, you'll see why!

Here is a painted Andalusian Tile from that site:

These are wall tiles, fountains and columns: