
Friday, September 21, 2012

Beautyberry, or Snowberry? And some Tao for today..

We found this beautiful berry outside our local REI store (Lynnwood) where we have been members forever..

Everything alive reminds me how perfect we all are in our true nature, and yet we have to see how humanity has lost it's way, how it has forgotten it's beauty, and how it clings to judgement; comparison, rationalization, lying, believing lies, basically acts of desperation etc. largely due initially to religious thought, manipulated to control people, until they finally bought it, and the whole society suffers from the delusion, whether religious or not, because this need for control is so prevalent. The fears people have are so desperate, and they project these fears onto one another.

 But the truth of each human is under all that which has been added on as a coated shell, added hoping that feeling safe will come from chastising others, demonizing others, talking about others, criticizing them, making excuses for lack of accomplishment that is only their own idea of themselves based on cultural ignorance, as well as thinking some jobs or actions taken are more more import than others are, or that some are less than. All these and more, infidelity for example and the lies that correspond with that action, the rationalization created falsely to deceive and those who settle for an affair with an infidel believing lies, both are desperate and not seeing their true nature. That's only one example of such beliefs in lack and seeing ones self as small and grasping, but bent to seem large and even good.

 The truth is that all things are God, or the creator, whatever you want to call it, Life itself, everyone is That, everything is That. How could it be otherwise?
We only need trust our hearts to know this....then respect everyone and everything as that great life expressing...It isn't easy sometimes to do this, but it is the best approach, and you can't expect anything to come of it. It is simply a seed you plant, and water with hopes it will grow. But done everywhere with everyone, and striving to be honest, and to get your needs met is honorable. I suggest Non Violent Communication By Rosenburg

This book and workshops, etc are important for any use, and Rosenburg himself has created schools and worked with governments and organizations to create a more peaceful world through awareness and kind effective communication. I recommend it to everyone especially those in any professions dealing with people and their needs of any kind, to corporations and those who work in them, and to anyone who thinks they are somehow better than others, which is usually a sign they think they aren't as good, and for those who are fairly aware and who always try to promote awareness and become more conscious in living at their best, which has not much to do with anything you do for a living actually, it has to do with respecting your self for simply being. For being is what you are, the Life that is your intrinsic value. Meaning every life is That, and no life is worse or better than another. When seen, you can hardly go about disrespecting others, or yourself. Then respect means seeing your perfection, Thats all it means. Dropping beliefs and just being.

Everyone is perfect, and everything is perfect, except in not knowing, the perfection gets skewed. In not knowing we are not free to be ourselves and express that innate beauty which is life itself, and then we try to make others conform to us, and we strive to be better then, and we push and pull, and war.
 This is not the natural respect coming from knowing the perfection and divinity in all.

The Tao says,

Naoto Matsumoto tells it truthfully, I love him so much, he is good friend

Watch his videos, he is a master, you can see, the gentleness and love ....

Less and less do you need to force things,
until finally you arrive at non-action.
When nothing is done,
nothing is left undone.
True mastery can be gained
by letting things go their own way. [*]
It can't be gained by interfering.,

Tao Te Ching: Chapter 48
translated by J. H. McDonald (1996)

One who seeks knowledge learns something
      new every day.
One who seeks the Tao unlearns something
      new every day.
Less and less remains until you arrive
      at non-action. [*]
When you arrive at non-action,
nothing will be left undone.

Mastery of the world is achieved
by letting things take their natural course. [**]
You cannot master the world by changing the
      natural way.