
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I've been reading a list of effects of GMO on humans and in mice. It's very bad.
In doing so I learned that German courts banned GMO's and that their GMO company came here.

This Monsanto freak seed is causing disturbances around the globe. At least in Eurpie it must be labeled.

In Washington state this Thursday and Friday theory will be voting on a bill to have GMO in foods labeled. So far as I know this is correct. They're looking for help in Olympia to do this.

Also I heard as rumor that whole Foods has been bought out by Monsanto?
If so I'd stop using them entirely. Several years ago when they decided to allow frank enfolds I sold my stock in Whole Foods. Believe it or not we aren't powerless!
But we must act together.

In Germany it was ruled that the ONUS was NOT on them to prove it unsafe, but On Monsanto to prove otherwise!

All I have for today.