Yesterday's trip to Seattle's zoo.
Andy, (who calls me his aunt,
the only person who does, and
I am very proud to be called aunt by him),
and I, walked
hand in hand
visiting all the animals for hours yesterday.
(aching feet)
His favorite is the Red Panda, they were in the tree asleep.
We saw the new addition of flamingoes, and enjoyed the day and night house and bugs and spiders, as well as one of my favs, gorillas. We saw a gorilla baby, jaguar [I got a shot of], and as you can see a few animals were available for portraits!
The day was overcast and cool (how unlike Seattle :)
Animals were out and some were active.
This critter was in with the goats,
I thought maybe it was a goat in sheep's clothing!?

This animal was active!

Dorothy, Andy's Grandma and I are good friends,
she said he struggled for years to climb this web,
now at 10, he is a pro at it!

In a few years he'll consider himself too big to do these things,
I'm glad he is still enjoying playing around the zoo.
Andy is excellent company!

I thought of Michelle in New York Rambling Woods, Michelle's blog
and her pond and ducklings when I saw this lone duckling happily swimming in a zoo pond alone, eating as he swam along without a care in the world.
Ah innocence!
I hope he is safe in the zoo and finds Mom soon!

The birds were amazing,
the crows wanted in,
the birds inside wanted out.
How life like!

It was free week at the zoo,
so plenty of kids about excited about seeing the animals,
even this sleepy guy!!

Andy and I shared a small pizza and got a few drinks,
he had an ice cream,
I had iced coffee,
Then Andy selected (carefully) 2 items from the zoo gift shop,
our last tour of the zoo!