
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mukilteo Old Town

You might see the larger homes being built in this photo, but modest older ones sit down inside the trees, and don't make such an exclamation on the land. Unfortunately more and more even larger homes, lacking in architecture are being built all over the place here, like one next door to me, McMansions locals call them, it is like a moatless, and cheap castle peering down into my yard, tasteless and insensitive to the landscape and others homes and views, trying to take all the view for themselves, it seems.

Sad commentary really. Now I have to buy some large trees just to maintain some privacy, which will most likely wipe out their view anyway. With just a little additional thought, we could all have our views and privacy too, I think. A little planning goes a long way. Trees here grow faster than any place on earth. I live in temperate rain forest. Some trees here grow 6 ft a year, and will grow to over 200 ft tall.

The beach and railroad run along side and in front of the village. I have walked many a mile along the beach towards Edmonds crawling over large rocks and stumps, and searching for beach glass. Tis the season again, but as yet the season has not been notified, and we are still having cold wet weather here.

I wonder if the beach construction has completed. We're getting a walk way, not sure that is a good thing. I love a natural beach.
We had fire pits to use and people came evenings gathering in groups to cook and feast, and enjoy the sunset.

Well...I'm expecting sun any day!

Some color to cheer you up! Maybe we had an early spring and a cool wet break! This was taken about a month ago. See we do have an occasional blue sky here!