This is the silver coffee set my Mother gave me for Christmas one year..
also Iittala glasses with holders, and Lomonosov (china from Russia) Samovar with rooster pattern.
The samovar holds tea that is strong in the top teapot. The bottom has hot water. You mix it appropriately for your likeness.
These originate from the Monguls, to Russians, then were adopted by the Persians.
Tea is very important in business, and customs in many parts of the world.
I am looking for an electric samovar.

This is a snow globe, one of my favorite things in the world. This one is Austrian.
Sweet huh?

These baskets are from China, they are carried over the shoulder with a stick
(you've probably seen in movies).

Modern Chinese box.
Oil lamp is from a potter in Winthrop WA.

another oil lamp, and book behind it is a very special book.
(called Natural Fashions)

Gourds are gifts from my friends the Wittstrucks, from long ago. Jim grew them, (was a member of the North American Gourd society), and is an artist. So is Martha, my ceramics instructor from college, and good friend.

Kim Carney made this small box for me many years ago.
She and I went to college together. She is a graphic artist, and more..

This bunny is made from an old kimono. I bought it recently in Seattle.

lotus pods in vase

Wiinblad lidded vase

Mexican folkart fish w/rabbit design (wooden)
Raku by Iichiro Saito (old boyfriend from Japan)
Buttons in jars, I collect buttons.

Mirror made by me and Daisy, and Mexican folkart Angel from San Miguel De Allenda
(1986 trip with Dickie Ferro and Richard and Eric)

My teapot on left, a mexican folkart plate, and two goblets I've picked up here and there.
One is scandinavian design.

Mirkwood on left is a piece of mine ( green piece) boat is likely an early important New Mexico pottery piece, initialed LM. It was my Grandmothers.
Other are various NM potters pieces, small one is a gift from friend Marylou.
The larger also a gift. The vase is ancient, and book (Flash Gordon) was my Mother's.
Cigar boxes (all) are from John McDaniel, friend.

Martha Wittstruck bowl

Ancient pitcher with no spout

Antique Japanese shoes, and modern monkeys

Pentatonic lyre from Sweden (Daisy's)
Iittala glassware horn and pitcher in Flora pattern
Henry Summa carafe from Kathy (his sister) and my very good friend.
Henry died this fall. _()_

This is one of Henry's blown glass plates

Iittala tea glasses

Table cover is a recent purchase, vintage, and cost me $6.50

Lamp is antique Danish, cups Wiinblad, plates are as well.
Scarf is Swedish, Swedish candlestick in wood.

Daphne, my daughter, got me these Nutcracker Wiinblad toast plates as a gift years ago..

Three pieces of my porcelain work, and art by a Seattle artist in back.
Zebras are Arabia (Finland), designed for World Wide Life Fund.
Behind in yellow is some of my work using Japanese cards.

The snow is going to freeze tonight. Seattle will have some traffic problems.
I'm wondering if we'll get a white Christmas?
I guess record snow like this was last seen in c 1861 or there bouts.
Hope you enjoy the local art collection...