Textiles I cherish... made by the hands of women of Tashkent, Samarkand, and other cities along the Silk Road, and nomads of Iran and across Central Asia, and flokatis, made in Greece.
From the Suzanis from Uzbekustan and Central Asia, to boiled wool rugs of, Kyrgyzstan to rugs from Shiraz and other areas of Iran (which rugs are also named after), I cherish these age old contributions to life that quite frankly, the average American from the US knows nothing about.
I think it’s time that we acknowledge we all come from nomadic stock. All our ancestors wove textiles, traveled here and there in an attempt to feed fliocks and survive.
We are all miraculously here!!
We have a history as humans that is rich and vibrant.
That somehow someone survived who gave birth to a single one of us is actually incomprehensible if you think about it.
We should all be holding hands singing,” ring around the rosie’s, pockets full of posies, ashes ashes, we all fall down! “