All the flowers are budding and opening up.
And I noticed most colors are pink so far.
Azaleas in pinks, bright and light, and some hot.
These are from my garden. And my large pink Rhodie will open any day now!
These are from my garden. And my large pink Rhodie will open any day now!
Sure there is candy tuft and blue Lilthadora, these light blue irises..
but much I see is pink or red, and it is a sight for sore eyes.

The Western Garden Book is THe Garden book to have. I love the chapter on problem areas, such as plants for wind screens or privacy, etc.
I have used this book for years, way back when I had my landscape business and before.
Highly recommended! (by me :-)
You can get the older edition for a pittance too..$0.60
How amazing is that? Try it, you'll like it!
and when it comes to growing a garden for edibles, Sunset Garden Book of Edibles..Western Garden Book of Edibles: The Complete A-Z Guide to Growing Your Own Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruits