For me it's the direction I want to see the world go in.
I want poverty addressed. I want people to be able to live like humans, not mere animals.
I want education for all children, and adults. I want health care, and I want a planet that is clean, and I want to see awareness, higher consciousness. I want availability to arts for all children. They naturally gravitate to art.
Art raises the level of consciousness. Make art not bombs.
In school, art is a great back door into academia for children who aren't interested in academia the way some are, or don't learn by rote as some do.
I want governments that are built by men who are statesmen, not politicians who are ruled by old ideas of greed, power and fame, and there is a distinct difference.
I want to see the earth respected, that is the feminine principal, Dionysian.
Technology is the male principal, Apollonian. Balance is imperative for a 'whole' world.
I want to see the feminine principal balanced with the masculine.
But when it come to voting I think one thing makes total sense, and is so easy. McCain is too old and unhealthy, and Palin is plain unqualified, simply a political move to get votes of fundamentalists. I think they are smarter than the powers that be make then seem to be.
Obama represents this change to me. I think these ideals are far over McCain or Palin's heads.
McCain is stuck in the old order, of being powerful, and leaving his mark on history, Palin is a cultish Christian, fearful of embracing a broader view of Christ and his compassionate vision of mankind.
The way issues are addressed have a lot to do with these differences in what is deemed important.
Vote Obama. Thanks.
Rainbow in the Skagit Valley