I don't think I am far off describing Sarah Palin a Trojan Horse of the religious right. (men using religion to take control).
I stand firm about this election, and how men who are using Sarah, even as a token female to get YOUR vote, are from the religious right, and are doing what men have done for eons, taking power anyway they can get it,. And what has been the primary way men have gotten power over the centuries? Yes, religion. It is the single, most powerful way to gain power, and the story of Troy and The Trojan Horse is an excellent metaphor for how this can happen from inside our country, whose freedom we fight away from home, to keep our form of freedom, and how it is actually being threatened by those inside our borders, not so much the terrorists our supposed leaders point to, to get your eyes off this eminent danger here at home.
Don't fool yourselves, the loss of freedom won't come from outside our borders, it will come from within.
Keep government balanced, support essential issues; freedom, population, environment, and resources. These effect the whole world, and are issues world wide, and are key. All other issues come under one of these key issues.
Here is the Trojan Horse, greeted by those who would have fought this intruder off, and here is Sarah Palin, the Trojan Horse of the Religious Right controlling men, our soldiers are fraternizing with her... so are we!
yes it is true..think about it..