The Republican Party and it's trickle down effect forgot to control for evaporation..Or did they forget? Nah!
The rich have eaten of the forbidden fruit, greed, and they won't let go easily. No, not at all, it's like an animal getting a taste of blood.
Winning this election for Obama is a small piece about what is wrong in this country and the world community, that has to change if we are to survive.
We can't stop being aware of money hungry men who want power at any cost.
Be the good you want to see. It's an inside job, it begins with me.
Recently McCain talked about an African American in the WHITE house.
(not for the reason he said, that it is about time for change, ha!)
I know what he was doing, a suggestion of blacks and the WHITE house, for those who will vote for him because they are racist.
Man is man, color isn't important except to racists.
Vote Obama..